We are ecstatic to announce that Bainbridge Island 4H is restarting this year with meetings in person!
There will be an open house/general meeting on October 20, 2022. 630-730pm at Yeomalt Cabin. (900 Park Ave., Bainbridge Island).
The 4H group meets monthly* at Yeomalt Cabin where we will have a range of different activities. These typically incorporate a speaker and a hands-on-learning experience. Prior examples have included topics such as fruit tree grafting, public speaking tips/tricks, community service projects, and police officer Q &A. Ideally, the kids in the Leadership Project (grades 7-12) run the meetings and help coordinate the programming.
There are "Projects" or sub-groups in addition to the main 4H group. If your youth is interested in only being in the general 4H group- great! If a "Project" seems interesting, then your child is welcome to participate in one (or all of them)! The variety of Projects can vary across the country depending on the local interest and support. There needs to be 2 adults present at each meeting- at least one who is a 4H parent leader volunteer.
Bainbridge Island 4H has the current sub-groups (Projects) available:
- Dog Project (grades k-12)
- Leadership Project (grades 7-12)
- Cooking/baking Project (grades k-12 with some meetings over zoom and some in person).
If you are interested in starting another Project (For example, Bunnies, Chickens, Horses, Photography, etc.), please email me at BainbridgeIsland4h@gmail.com or come to the meeting on the 20th.
4H is sincerely an amazing organization. Through its 20+ years on Bainbridge Island, the group has been able to grow and change with the interests of its members. Per the 4H website, "In 4‑H programs, kids and teens complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and civic engagement in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles."
*Meeting dates for 2022-2023 General 4H meetings at Yeomalt Cabin 630-730pm:
October 20, 2022
November 3, 2022
December 1, 2022
January 12, 2023
Feburary 9, 2023
March 9, 2023
April 13, 2023
(no May meeting)
June 8, 2023
July 30-August 3 overnight camp! Kids do not need to be 4H members to attend.