Monday, February 17, 2020

4-H Judges are needed for public presentations

Below you will find the link to sign up for judging 4-H public presentations.  
There is a educational video that you can watch that will teach you how to be also paired with an experienced judge.  
Listening to public presentations is one of the best ways to volunteer in   4-H.  If you have any questions, please let us know!

Thank you for supporting our youth!

Teen Clerk positions available for Public Presentations

If you have given a public presentation before and are interested in helping a judge, you are welcome to sign up to be a 4-H Clerk. 

Clerks are responsible for escorting 4-H members to the presentation room where they will be judged on their presentation.  Remember how nervous you were the first time you gave a public presentation?  You have the ability to help make a new or younger member's public presentation experience a good one by being friendly and welcoming!  You will also be responsible for keeping track of presentation time and help record vital information for the judges.  

If you're interested in this great position, please sign up here:  

Clerk sign up here

Community Service Project

Photo by Piper

Beach Clean Up!

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, March 21, 2020 from 2:00 - 3:00pm. 

Members of  Bainbridge Island 4-H voted to clean up our beaches for our community service project.  We'll announce the location at the March General Meeting.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

General Meeting

Photo by Riley
Our next General Meeting is Monday, February 10, 2020 at Yeomalt Cabin!  We'll see you all at 6:30 pm.  Our teen leaders have been busy planning the agenda and activities. 

Please bring your 4-H record books.

See you then!

Monday, February 3, 2020

4-H Public Presentations

Photo by Riley

4-H encourages its members to expand their life skills which includes the ability to do public presentations.  As a result, once a year, they offer a 4-H Public Presentation forum where members get the opportunity to do public presentations on topics they are interested in.

We encourage all members of Bainbridge Island 4-H to deliver public presentations!  The dates for the Kitsap County 4-H Public Presentations are Friday afternoon, March 6, 2020 or Saturday morning, March 7, 2020.

Through Kitsap County's 4-H public presentation forum, our members can earn blue ribbons, earning the chance to give their presentation at Kitsap County Fair or Washington State Fair.

Below are some common questions from our 4-H members:

Q:  What should I talk about?

A:  Choose a topic that is of interest to you.  If you need ideas, talk with your 4-H friends and leaders.

Q:  Will other kids be watching?  Can my parent be there?

 A:  No other 4-H members are in the room with you unless you invite them.  Your parents are welcome to observe.

Q: How long do I have to speak for?

A:  If you are a Junior (8 – 10 years of age):  3 – 8 minutes
If you are an Intermediate (11 – 13 years of age):  5 – 15 minutes
If you are a Senior (14 to less than 19 years of age):  8 – 20 minutes

Q:  Do you have any hints or tips on delivering my presentation?

A:  --Have a catchy introduction
--Your time starts when you give the title of your presentation.
--End with a conclusion and your sources.
--Remember that EVERY word on your posters need to be readable from 10 feet away.
--Don't forget to ask your audience if they have any questions, then always repeat the question back to the judge.
--Practice, practice, practice!!

Q:  What is the cost?

A:  Normally, there is a $2.50 charge per presentation but Bainbridge Island 4-H is paying for  members enrolled in our club.  When you check in for your presentation, please tell them you are a member of Bainbridge Island 4-H.

Q:  Can I bring my dog?  I'd like to include my pet in my presentation.

A:  Unfortunately, you may not bring any live animals.

What should I bring with me?

A:  There will be an easel for you to use during your presentation.  You should bring everything you need for your presentation, including visual aids.  No projectors or screens are provided.  If you are using Powerpoint, please bring everything you need with you.  When you check in, please tell them if you are using Powerpoint.

Q:  Where do I give my presentation?

A:   Liberty Bay Presbyterian Church in Poulsbo.  The church is located across from Poulsbo Inn on Hwy 305.  The address is 18561 9th Ave. NE, Poulsbo, WA  98370

Announcing 4-H summer camp!

The Kitsap County 4-H camp dates are July 26 - July 30, 2020!

You're welcome to attend the camp kickoff from 3:00 - 5:00 pm on February 8th at the Silverdale Grange.  4-H staff will be available to help with registration and answer your questions.  You'll also get a chance to meet the teen leaders for 2020, make camp crafts, sing camp songs, play games, and enjoy an ice cream cone.

Please email with any questions.