Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 20th: General Meeting and 4-H Elections

Photo by B 4-H photography member Sabrina

Please join us on Monday, May 20, 2019.  We'll host our final General Meeting and Potluck for the 2018/2019 year.

This special General Meeting includes several parts:

1)  We will hold 4-H elections for our Teen Leadership for the 2019/2020 year.

2)  We will celebrate our member's accomplishments with a slide show.  If you have pictures to share, please send them to Mike ( so they can be included!

3)  We will enjoy the annual Spring Potluck.  Bainbridge Island 4-H is providing dessert and drinks!  Please find the potluck sign up sheet here:

We're looking forward to seeing you on May 20th at 6:30 at Yeomalt Cabin.

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